2017 – Again has been a great year for us in the show ring.
Ch Mybeards Hero is currently the TOP POLISH LOWLAND 2017 in the UK with many group placing’s at championship shows to date.
Left - Hero winning Group 2 at Darlington under Val Foss
2016 Results
Mybeards Dreamz wins his first CC under breed specialist Lesley Naylor at Darlington Championship Show:

Mybeards Dreamz 1st CC
2014 Results:
At City of Birmingham Championship show from an entry of 34 PONs our Finnish Import Lucky (Flinkbein Mieszanka Szczescia to Mybeards) won her 2 CC and BOB! Thank you to judge Mr Mike Lewis from the famous ‘Potterdale’ Bearded Collie Kennel.
Top All-rounder Steve Hall judged the breed at the Welsh Kennel Club Championship Show and awarded Mybeards Choco his 1st CC at only 13mths old, Mybeards Hero won the Res Dog CC at 16mths old and Ch Mybeards Wish her 11th CC and BOB….Wish then went on to win Group 3 under Sue Garner! A great day for us in Wales!
At Paignton, Marion Sargent judged the breed and awarded Carol Churchouse Best Bitch with Mybeards Goldilocks.
At Leeds the lady responsible for importing the PON into the UK judged our breed so all exhibitors were very interested in the opinion of Megan Cook (Irwing/Butler).

Anne, Megan (Judge) & Lucy at Leeds
Megan awarded the only CC to a delighted Anne & Terry Springthorpe with Mybeards Lord Millthorpe. Our Finnish import Flinkbein Mieszanka Szczescia to Mybeards was awarded Best Bitch!

NW&PB Mybeards Winners
At National Working & Pastoral Breeds (July), Breed Specialist Dorothy Dence judge and awarded both the Bitch CC & Dog CC to Mybeards….Mybeards Lord Millthorpe (Anne & Terry Springthorpe) gained his 1CC and Ir Ch Mybeards Izabella at Quinnabeth (Brian & Jacqui Gibson) was awarded her 2nd CC! Well done both!!
Blackpool (June) saw Mrs Anne Springthorpe, breed specialist, judge our breed, she awarded Brian & Jacqui their 1st CC with IR, AN CH Myeards Izabella at Quinnabeth. Mybeards Choco was awarded another Best Puppy on his birthday!
At Three Counties Championship Show Mr Barrie Croft judged and awarded Ch Mybeards Wish BOB & Mybeards Choco Best Puppy & Best Dog…Wish went on to win Pastoral Group 4 under Mr Jeff Luscott
Southern Counties (June) was judged by Mr Terry Nethercott who awarded Ch Mybeards Wish her 11 CC and BOB, he also gave Best Puppy to Mybeards Choco who went on to win Puppy Group 3 under Mr Ben Reynolds-Frost.
At the Bath Ch Show (May) Ch Mybeards Wish won Best of Breed under Mr Frank Kane and then Group 2 under Pastoral specialist Mr Barrie Croft.
At the Scottish Kennel Club in May the judge was breed specialist Bernie Watson, Sheila & Tony Sellars made up their 2nd Mybeards Champion with Mybeards Conclusion, gaining his 3rd and crowning CC. Mybeards Choco won Best Puppy & Puppy Group 3 under Mr Keith Nathan.
At Birmingham National Championship Show (May 2014) Mybeards Choco our chocolate puppy won Best Puppy under Mr George Benning.
A grand start to the show year with the Polish Lowland Sheepdog Club Open Show where Mr Geoff Booth awarded Mybeards Lord Millthorpe BEST IN SHOW and Mybeards Dedication (Pat & Bernie Watson) BEST VETERAN IN SHOW!!!
2013 Results:
At South Wales Championship Show Ch Mybeards Wish won the strongly contested Pastoral Group under Mr Peter Radley after winning BOB under Ms K Burnell

Dorothy with Kayla at the Club Show
Well done to Dorothy Dence and her Ch Mybeards Platinum winning the Bitch CC and Res Best in Show at the PLSC Champ show under Mrs Ann Arch. Kayla (Platinum) was in the Vintage Class being 12 years old and is the only PLS to win a Best Puppy in Show at a General All Breeds Championship Show in the UK (Birmingham City) to date.
Ch Mybeards Wish won her 9th CC at City of Birmingham Championship Show (Aug 2013) under all-rounder Peter Bailey, Wish then went on to win Group 3 under Mr John Carter. Myhav Iz Mybeards (Queenie the Havanese) won BOB under breed specialist Mr J Ashwood. Watch both Wish (Pastoral) & Queenie (Toy) in the Groups at this show:
Mybeards Prince, owned and handled by Ann Hillier won his first Dog CC at WKC Championship Show. Well done Ann & Prince!
At Paignton Ch Show (Aug 2013) Ch Mybeards Wish gained her 8th CC under Mr Rodney Oldham, and was shortlisted to the final 8 in the Pastoral Group.

Ch Mybeards Wish with judge Mr Kevin Young
At Leeds Championship Show (2013) Champion Mybeards Wish won Best of Breed and her 7th CC, under judge Mr Hugh Jones. Wish then went on to win Pastoral Group 3 under Mr Kevin Young. Myhav Iz Mybeards (Queenie the Havanese) won BOB under breed specialist Mr A Hilton.
Mybeards Lord Millthorpe owned and shown by Mrs Anne Springthrope won Best Dog and the Res CC at only 11mths old.
We didn’t show at National Working & Pastoral breeds championship show however Mybeards owners did really well, Carol Churchouse with Mybeards Goldilocks (Maisie) won her 1st CC and BOB, while Sheila & Tony Sellars with Mybeards Conclusion won their 2nd CC under Mrs Lynn Salt
East of England (July 2013) Mr G Rual awarded Best of Breed to Ch Mybeards Wish and Best Dog to Mybeards Lightening owned by Lynne & Martin Hayes.
At Windsor Championship Show (June 2013) Champion Mybeards Wish won Best of Breed under Allyson King and was shortlisted in the Group.
At Blackpool there was a change of judge where Mrs Jill Peak stepped in to officiate. Her winners included Mybeards Conclusion, owned and shown by Sheila & Tony Sellars who was awarded his 1st CC! Ch Mybeards Wish won BOB and her 5th CC and went on to win Pastoral Group 2 under Mr Barrie Croft…a great day!!
At Three Counties (June) Breed Specialist Mrs Lesley Naylor judged and awarded BOB to Ch Mybeards Domination
At Bath (May) we did not show however Mybeards Lord Millthorpe owned and shown by Anne Springthorpe won BOB from Puppy!
At the Scottish Kennel Club (May) Ch Mybeards Paparatzi, owned and shown by Sheila & Tony Sellars won his 11th Dog CC and BOB, our Finnish Import Flinkbein Mieszanka Szczescia to Mybeards won Best Bitch and her 1st CC under judge Mr M Taylor.
Ch Mybeards Paparatzi won Best Dog and the CC at The National Dog Show under top all-rounder Jeff Luscott. This was Sheila & Tony’s x CC with Paparatzi! Well done!
The judge at WELKS was Mr Vic Salt who awarded the CC & BOB to Ch Mybeards Wish and BOS to Dorothy Dence’s Ch Mybeards Romeo.
At Working & Pastoral Breeds at Wales (April), Tim Ball judged the breed and awarded BOB to Ch Mybeards Wish.