Polish Lowland Health
Our dogs lead a happy life, we own 9 acres for them to run in and they enjoy much freedom, although some go to shows, they are family pets and when at home they love their toys and fetching their ball, jumping over our garden wall is a popular pastime too.Our OAP coats are clipped short and they prefer a steadier pace. The lifestyle of a Polish Lowlands is very important and this contributes to their health, along with a balanced diet and the correct upbringing.
We only breed from fit and healthy Polish Lowlands and all my dogs at home are Hip Scored (with below average scores) and Eye Tested clear (prior to breeding) under the British Veterinary Association /Kennel Club scheme (BVA/KC).
The Kennel Club (KC) and the British Veterinary Association (BVA) operate health schemes for hip dysplasia and inherited eye diseases. These schemes aim to provide scientifically based expert opinion on these inherited conditions. The KC/BVA screening programmes help conscientious breeders to identify those dogs that are clinically free of such diseases so that the best possible choices for breeding programmes may be made.
Hip scoring is done only once for each dog, at a minimum age of one year, while eye examinations should, in general, be conducted annually. Dogs are certified either affected or unaffected at the time of examination.
The only mandatory testing required for breeding PLS is KC/BVA Hip Scoring, the range is 0-106, the lower the score the better, but Ideally each of the parents score should not total more than 16. The KC/BVA certificate for hips is A4 printed on green card, ask to see this when visiting the breeder.
All responsible breeders KC/BVA eye test too and only breed from Polish lowlands with clear/unaffected results.Ask to see a current KC/BVA eye certificate for both of the puppies parents, this should be dated within twelve months of the puppies being born.
Our UK Health Testing Schemes have been in operation for over 30 years, reputable breeders comply with these,so why would a breeder use health testing systems outside the UK?
The following is guidance from the BVA (data calculated to 01/11/11)
“Hip Scoring should be considered along with other criteria as part of a responsible breeding programme, and, ideally, breeders should choose breeding stock with hip scores WELL BELOW the Breed Mean Score (BMS) and ideally below the Median for their breed.
The most recent data available from the BVA is calculated to 01.11.11 and is as follows:
Mean Average = 16, 5yr Mean Average = 12, Median Average =12
I am a Kennel Club Accredited Breeder of Excellence and was delighted to be one of the first 12 breeders in the UK to be nominated for this prestigious accolade by the
General Committee of The Kennel Club.